FTC Explains ‘Made in USA’ Standard To Confirm Consumer Confidence
According to the Federal Trade Commission, "Made in USA" means that "all or virtually all" the product was, indeed, made in America. The agency enforces the standard to ensure commercial compliance and confirm consumer confidence.
For a "Made in USA" claim to be accurate, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin. Products should not contain any — or only negligible — foreign content.
According to FTC officials, there's no law that requires manufacturers and marketers of most products to disclose U.S. content. In fact, except for automobiles and textile and wool products, it's a manufacturer or advertiser's choice to say whether a product is domestic. But those who choose to make the claim must adhere to the "all or virtually all" standard.
While the FTC enforces the "Made in USA" standard, it's the U.S. Customs Service that oversees the requirements that imported goods be marked with a foreign country of origin (for example, "Made in Japan").
If you believe that a product is being erroneously promoted as "Made in USA" because it wasn't - or because it contains significant foreign parts or processing - call the FTC, toll-free, at 1-877-FTC-HELP or file a complaint online at ftc.gov. If you are aware of import or export fraud, call the U.S. Customs Service Commercial Fraud Hotline, 1-800-ITS-FAKE.
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